Rev. Dr. Bob Lo
After graduated (B.Sc) from the University of Waterloo in Canada, Pastor Lo worked as a businessman for four years before being called to Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in United States for training, and after graduating (M.Div), he went on a short-term mission to Europe. In 1983, he returned to Hong Kong and served as the director of the Chongzhen Salvation Church for 14 years, the director of the Whampoa Church for 19 years and the chief pastor of the Chongzhen Church for 18 years. During his pastoral career, Pastor Law also worked hard to broaden his horizons, and studied for a Doctor of Ministry degree at Fuller Theological Seminary in California, United States, graduating in 2001 (D.Min), majoring in believer training and small group ministry.
Pastor Lo has also served as President of the Hong Kong Lutheran Church Association, Chairman and Guest Lecturer of the Theological Seminary, Visiting Lecturer of the China Academy of Theology, Speaker of the 2004 and 09 Hong Kong and Kowloon Seminar, Speaker of the 2011 Toronto United Cantonese and Chinese Seminar, 2017 Hong Kong Evangelical Seminary Secondary School Speaker, and President of the Global and Hong Kong Hakka Evangelical Association. He is currently an honorary advisor of the Hong Kong Chongzhen Church, a visiting lecturer at the Canada Chinese Theological Seminary, and an advisor pastor of the Chinese Church of the Toronto North Chinese Alliance Church. He is often invited to preach and train Chinese churches in Chinese mainland, Southeast Asia, Australia, Europe and the United States.
Rev. Dr. Francis Tam
Rev. Dr. Francis Tam has 40+ years of experience serving the Chinese Christian community in Canada in various capacities. Currently, he is the Executive Director of the Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelism (Canada) and the Interim Principal of the Canadian Chinese School of Theology Calgary. As an ordained worker of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada, Rev. Tam has a Doctor of Ministry degree from Trinity International University in the USA and is fluent in Cantonese, Mandarin, and English. His diverse background in Hong Kong and Canada has helped him bridge the cultural gap between the two communities. His journey from professional engineering to being called into ministry inspires many in the diaspora. Being a denomination church leader, educator, and executive, Dr. Tam is committed to mobilizing Chinese churches for their spiritual, educational, and missional objectives from a biblical perspective. Rev. Tam and his wife reside in Toronto, Canada and have been blessed with two children and six grandchildren.